Thursday, January 16, 2014

Gifford Pinchot- A Prominent Figure in Environmental Studies

Gifford Pinchot was America's first professional forester and founder of the U.S. Forest Service. Gifford Pinchot was born in 1865 in Simsbury, Connecticut.Pinchot was an early advocate of wildlife and forestry in the United States. He set the standard for other foresters and environmentalists such as John Muir, who he met in New York in 1893. However, John Muir and Pinchot saw a clash in their different beliefs.Pinchot was the leader of the utilitarian wing of the early conservation movement,under President Theodore Roosevelt. Muir took the opposing side.On one hand, Muir crusaded for the preservation of wilderness, while Pinchot campaigned for utilitarian use of public lands. Their major battle came with the protection of the Hetch Hetchy Valley. Their conflict ultimately saw a split between the preservation wing and the utilitarian wing of the conservation movement. Furthermore, the Hetch Hetchy Valley was a small land area in Yosemite National Park. The City of San Francisco wanted a dam to be built in Hetch Hetchy Valley, which would supply much needed water to the city.The Preservationists, led by John Muir, were hugely opposed to the building of this dam. They felt that building a dam would destroy the natural beauty of the area. The Conservationists,led by Gifford Pinchot, felt that a dam would benefit the people greatly. In America, every newspaper jumped at the chance to follow the story and it even captured the nations' attention.The Hetch Hetchy Valley battle was the first controversy about environmental issues that garnered the whole country's attention. Hetch Hetchy Valley was a very important part of U.S. Environmental history. So, Gifford, in turn, is seen as an important catalyst for environmentalism and the preservation of forests and areas like Hetch Hetchy Valley in America.

Gifford Pinchot and Hetch Hetchy Valley

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